Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Fear Itself

As children, we are taught to
never fear the monsters.
They are not real,
    they will not get us.
There is nothing hiding in your closet
    under your bed
        in the basement
There is nothing.
It is all in our head,
    and there is nothing to fear but fear itself.
As we grow older,
We realize that the monsters
are not in our closet.
    They are not under our bed.
        They are not in the basement.
            They are not outside.
The true monsters lie within us;
beneath the masks we hide behind so effortlessly.
Beneath our skin,
    whatever color it may be,
        hides the scariest monster of all
            and there’s no way to hide from it.
So really, our parents were wrong all along.

    We have so much more to fear than fear itself.


  1. Ok, so we lied. But our lies were complete in their falsehood. There are no monsters within, either. Just post adolescent fears, worries, and an occasional bad thought, or two. Worry not young lady. You will not grow fangs and fur during this, or any goodnight.

  2. Bri, soy Mertxe una tía de Ane Elena.
    Me ha salido tu blog en el gmail y he empezado a leerlo.
    Me ha encantado el poema.
